The artwork can be categorized as realistic seinen, sometimes bordering on the same category as Vagabond in terms of details. Some characters' face are exaggerated in a serious and realistic fashion. Wonderful storyline, dealing with an extremely mature critical and hard subject with a very strong emotional and psychological impact on the readers. From, neonatal care to cancer/chemotherapy to psychiatry, each department provides an unique view on the difficulties and challenges of society. makes him rebellious and doubtful about the ethics of medicine in Japan. However, his naive ideals and stubbornness Each story arc is a 3-4 months internship in one of the major departments of medicine and Saito (protagonist) is always left in charge of one particular case/patient. The story focuses on a young intern in Eiroku (University famous for medicine) and the chronicles of his experience as an intern in different departments of the hospital.
However, it is one of the few manga that left a strong impression on me. Say hello to Black Jack is one of the most overlooked manga on MAL due to its lack of English scans and publications (I read it in French).